Thomas|TSR (1532)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (3 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

TSR Halloween Lenses
Published Jul 29, 2009
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (21 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Diva Hair by TSR - (Adult)
Published Nov 12, 2005
My Latest Sims 1 Creations (9 in total) Show all my Sims 1 Creations
About Me
I'm the person in charge of all visuals, CSS and HTML on TSR and it's related products (Wiki, Workshop, Merlin etc). I hope you like what you see, otherwise I'm the person to blame!
I'm happily married to Anna and I love pets! We have a fishtank with a pair of seaturtles and a fish here in office. At home we have two adorable cats that love spending their days asleep or playing outside/inside.
Our first daughter Lydia is now 2 months old and simply put adorable. Hard to imagine what being a father means until you actually become one
My Latest Updates Show All
Just testingWritten Jan 13, 2012
New Creative Corner section addedWritten Jun 18, 2009
We felt it was time to gather all links related to creativity in one place and thus, the Creative Corner. Now you'll be able to easily access all related sections of the site such as Submisson Areas, the Workshop as well as learning more about the benefits of submitting here. Enjoy :) ...More
Submenu added to downloads tabWritten Jun 15, 2009
We figured it would make a lot of sense if you could go at least one step deeper into the downloads categories already when choosing which game archive you wish to enter. Thus we have added a submenu with all the toplevel categories included. Just click on the downloads tab and hover the game title for the menu. This only works in Explorer 8 and above, firefox, Safari and other modern... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
Leigh BMay 28, 2020
Hi, Thomas! I visit TSR every single week; it's the only Sims site I pay for. I wanted to give you some feedback on the new layout. I love the larger pictures! It's easier to click through them rather than scroll, but I like having the option of looking more closely below. (I do not miss the auto-slideshow at all! :-) ) I use the "Also From This Category" feature all the time, but if I have to scroll down so far, I'm not likely to comment. (I think the artists deserve and enjoy hearing that we love their work.) If you could move the comment box above those, or even under the "Continue Reading" tab, that would be awesome. Thank you for continually working to make this site so amazing! I love it!
Songbird7420May 02, 2020
I can't believe I joined again and still have the same problem, no pics show on all your stairs and when I download something & apply it to my basket it acts like it is working, then I go to the basket and nothing is there. I want the Chrissy modular stairs again I wasted $4.00, I'm just glad I didn't signup for more time.
pizazzDec 29, 2019
Hi Thomas, have a question about advertising with TSR. but want to ask it personally and not in guest book. couldn't locate which Thomas you were in private messages. can you contact me please. Thannks